Founder/Creative Director of OLMS, Terry Doyle

The idea for OLMS Bamboo Floral Sticks hatched during the pandemic. My primary job - as a fashion & beauty photographer - was not happening at all at that time, so I started exploring my passion for flowers by freelancing at some local floral studios.

The florists I was drawn to were the ones making efforts to create a more sustainable, green-er floral practice. But no matter how “eco” they were, they all used the single-use plastic cardettes for notecards and delivery cards (because there really & truly was nothing else out there…)

The lightbulb flashed on, & OLMS Bamboo Floral Sticks LLC was born.

Florists & floral studios across the United States, and as far as Canada, Dubai, the UK and more, have all responded in such an overwhelmingly positive manner that we clearly fill not just a want, but a need. OLMS is thrilled that, stick by stick, we are helping to reduce this world of plastic waste.

Welcome to OLMS!!! - Terry

“This is AMAZING. AWESOME. WONDERFUL. I’ve been searching and searching! THANK YOU for helping us florists take steps to saving the planet in any little way we can!!”

— Allison Lea Coy